Fix all#
This intention is always available, given that the running mode is set to Command line.
This is equivalent to running ruff check --fix
with the file as input.
Fix all, unsafe included#
This intention is always available.
This is equivalent to running ruff check --fix --unsafe-fixes
with the file as input.
Organize imports#
This intention is always available, given that the running mode is set to Command line.
It sorts the imports of the file, but does not remove those unused, unlike Optimize imports.
This is equivalent to running ruff check --fix select I
with the file as input.
Reenable rule#
This intention is available when the cursor is placed
in the range of a # noqa
rule code.
It removes that rule code in-place. If that code is the only code, the entire comment will be removed.
Fix all similar violations#
This code action is only available as quick fix for violations. Its availability does not depend on the rule's fixability.
It fixes the violation and all other violations of the same rule. There are two variants: safe and unsafe.
This is equivalent to running ruff check --fix select ...
with the rule code as input (optionally with --unsafe-fixes