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On hover or Quick Documentation (Ctrl + Q), RyeCharm will show documentation popups for the currently selected symbol if it is a recognized one.

Rule selectors#

Rule documentation popups are shown for rule codes in # noqa comments of both line and file-level as well as the following TOML settings:

  • (lint) extend-fixable
  • (lint) extend-ignore
  • (lint) extend-per-file-ignores.*
  • (lint) extend-safe-fixes
  • (lint) extend-select
  • (lint) extend-unfixable
  • (lint) extend-unsafe-fixes
  • (lint) fixable
  • (lint) ignore
  • (lint) per-file-ignores.*
  • (lint) select
  • (lint) unfixable

This is equivalent to running ruff rule ... with the rule code as argument.

TOML setting keys#

Configuration option documentation popups are shown for keys of the [tool.ruff] table of pyproject.toml (or a subtable thereof) and keys in ruff.toml/.ruff.toml.

This is equivalent to running ruff config ... with the key's name as argument.