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The Ruff executable to be used for all operations.

If it is not provided, RyeCharm will attempt to find one in the following order:

  • The ruff executable found under Rye's self environment.
  • Any ruff executable found in PATH.
  • Any ruff executable found in the project's virtual environment.

Cross-platform executable resolution#

If this option is enabled and the executable is specified as a relative path, it will be resolved against the project's interpreter directory with its extension removed.

This is useful if Ruff is a development dependency and is expected to always be installed, regardless of the user's platform.

Configuration file#

If specified, this file will be passed to Ruff on every invocation.

This corresponds to the --config command-line option and the configuration language server setting.

Running mode#

The manner in which the executable is invoked.

Default: Command line

See Running modes for more information.

Main functionalities#


Whether linting errors (diagnostics) should be shown.

This corresponds to the lint.enable language server setting.

Default: true

See Linting for more information.

Report syntax errors#

Whether diagnostics for syntax errors should be shown.

This corresponds to the showSyntaxErrors language server setting.

Default: false

Tooltip format#

The format in which tooltips are displayed.

Default: A123: Message

Quick fixes#

Whether quick fixes (code actions) should be suggested.

Default: true

Fix all fixable violations#

Whether a quick fix to fix all safely fixable violations should be suggested.

This corresponds to the fixAll language server setting.

Default: true

Organize imports#

Whether a quick fix to organize the imports section should be suggested.

This corresponds to the organizeImports language server setting.

Default: true

Disable rule for line#

Whether a quick fix to disable a given rule for the current line should be suggested.

This corresponds to the codeAction.disableRuleComment.enable language server setting.

Default: true

Fix single violation#

Whether a quick fix specific to the current violation should be suggested.

This corresponds to the codeAction.fixViolation.enable language server setting.

Default: true


Whether Ruff's formatter should be used instead of the IDE's default formatter.

Default: true

See Formatting for more information.

Run on reformat#

Whether the Reformat Code action should trigger Ruff.

Default: true

Run on optimize imports#

Whether the Optimize Imports action should trigger Ruff.

Default: true

Documentation popups#

Whether documentation popups should be shown.

Default: true

See Documentation for more information.

For rule codes in noqa comments#

Whether documentation popups should be shown when noqa codes in Python comments are hovered.

Default: true

For rule codes in TOML files#

Whether documentation popups should be shown when rule codes in rule selector arrays are hovered.

Default: true

For setting keys in TOML files#

Whether documentation popups should be shown when the keys of the tool.ruff table in the pyproject.toml file (or top-level keys for ruff.toml/.ruff.toml) are hovered.

Default: true

Log level#

The amount of logs the language server will emit.

This corresponds to the logLevel language server setting.

Default: Information

Log file#

The file to which the logs will be written.

This corresponds to the logFile language server setting.

Run on save#

Whether Ruff should be run on files before saving.

If both "fix problems" and "format" are enabled, they are run in that order.

Project files only#

Whether only files belong to the current project should be run on.

Default: true


Whether Ruff should format the file before it is saved.

Default: false

Fix violations#

Whether Ruff should try to fix all safely fixable violations in the file before it is saved.

Default: false

Other settings#

Suggest executable#

Whether RyeCharm should automatically find a potential Ruff executable and suggest setting that as the executable for the current project on some events.

This feature can also be triggered as an action.

On project open#

Whether a potential executable should be suggested when a project is opened.

Default: true

On packages change#

Whether a potential executable should be suggested when a package is installed via the Python Packages toolwindow.

Default: true

Advanced settings#

Automatically restart servers on configuration change#

Whether the running servers should be restarted immediately when the Apply/OK buttons are clicked.

Default: true