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For debugging purposes, the plugins may log some informational data. When reporting issues, always include the relevant log entries if applicable.

Where to find the IDE log files#

Open the action panel using Ctrl Shift A or your corresponding shortcut, then choose Show Log in Explorer. On macOS, this action is called Show Log in Finder.

This should open a directory containing a file called idea.log and possibly other files that have the idea.<number>.log naming schema. idea.log is the most recent log file; idea.<number>.logs are archived ones.

Open idea.log using your favourite text editor/reader. Note that it might be up to 10 MB in size.

Alternatively, navigate to the directories documented here.

Log entries format#

Event Content Keywords to look for
Server start Plugin configurations PyrightLSDescriptor - AllConfigurations
LSP messages Message content (JSON) Lsp4jServerConnector, PyrightLSDescriptor@

If language server logging is enabled, every request and response will also be logged, potentially truncated if it is too long.