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Executable and language server executable#

The pyright (or pyright-python) and pyright-langserver (or pyright-python-langserver) files can be found in the following locations:


The locations mentioned here are for Pip and NPM-like managers. For other tools (e.g. Homebrew), see their documentation to know where they store their executable files.

Manager Type OS Directory
NPM Global Windows %APPDATA%\npm
NPM Global Linux /usr/local/bin
Pip Global Windows %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\<version>\Scripts
Pip Global Linux ~/.local/bin
NPM Local Windows .\node_modules\.bin
NPM Local Linux ./node_modules/.bin
Pip Local Windows .\<your-venv>\Scripts
Pip Local Linux ./<your-venv>/bin

If the executables can't be found in the aforementioned locations, see the following pages for more information:

If a relative path is specified, it would be interpreted as relative to the project directory.

The executables are used as-is with no additional checks. This is useful if you want to use a Pyright fork or a custom script.


For the best experience, always use or maintain compatibility with the latest version of Pyright.

Configuration files#

Used by running mode(s) Default Corresponding CLI option
Command line Project's root directory --project

Despite being called "file", this can be a path to a directory containing a pyrightconfig.json and/or a pyproject.toml (the former takes precedence if both are present).

  • If a local executable is specified, the local path is used.
  • If only the global executable is specified, the local path is used.
  • If no local configuration file is specified, the global is used.

If the path retrieved using the aforementioned strategy is not specified, the project's root directory is used.


This configuration is deliberately unsupported by LSP. The language server will search for the configuration file(s) inside the root directory of the workspace.

Always use global#

Used by running mode(s) Default
N/A false

Enable this setting to always use the global executables and configuration file.

Auto-suggest executable#

Used by running mode(s) Default
N/A true

Enable this setting to automatically find and suggest an executable for the current project on open. See the corresponding feature for more information.

UI hints#

As a path field is edited, the small hint under the field will show whether the path is valid or invalid.

This is only used to give a general hint; a path can still be saved even if it is marked as invalid.